Smoke Treatment

Take Note!
- Lowers oil consumption
- Protects against wear
- Reduces engine noise
Product Description
STP® Smoke Treatment is designed for petrol engines to provide a thick oil cushion to help fill gaps created between the cylinder walls, piston rings valve guide seats on worn engines and reduce oil blow-by and smoking. This engine smoke treatment reduces exhaust smoke and engine noise, lowers oil consumption and protects against engine wear.
How it helps:
- Protects against engine wear.
- Reduces excessive smoking and noise.
- Creates thick and protective oil cushion.
- Compatible with petrol engines.
Take Note!
Usage Directions
Add entire contents to engine oil when engine is warm at or between oil changes. One bottle (450ml) will treat 4 – 5 litres (10% treat rate).
Usage Frequency: Use at or between oil changes.
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, dependent on the colour of smoke. If the smoke is blue in colour, STP® Smoke Treatment will help. Blue smoke signifies an issue with oil burning. Possibly due to worn piston rings, valves or cylinders. Or maybe too much oil has been added? STP® Smoke Treatment may help rectify worn piston rings etc. but would add to the issue if too much oil was originally used and then topped up with STP® Smoke Treatment.